
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to handle troubled relationships?

Relationships are an intrinsic part of our lives and a large determinant of how happy we are.Relationships matter,because they are like the wind beneath our wings which help us to soar in our personal and professional lives.Even then most of us are plagued by difficult relationships whether at work or at home.Ideally one should discuss the problem with concerned individuals but that is not always possible because we are afraid of reactions or not wlling to fulfill their expectations.So, one should have certain mental techniques to deal with this.A major reason for damaged or troubled bonds is that we want people to be different from what they are.We want them to think,talk and behave the way we do.The expectation is that they follow our value system and live up to our our expectations from them as per the role the play in our lives(as friends, working colleagues, spouse,siblings ,in-laws, offspring, neighbours,parents, countrymen).The interaction would be much smoother if we accepted others as they are and acknowledge the differences as the "nature of things". Secondly, we should refuse to give the power to influence our peace of mind and serenity to individuals who affect us negatively.If people have a can of worms in their minds why would one want expose themselves to its toxicity.If there is a contentious issue in their mind then its their responsibility to sort it out not yours.Thirdly, difficult relationships are tied to unpleasant memories of the past.So, why let them cloud your present by constantly replaying them in your mind.Forgive and forget.If thats not possible then at least forget. Fourthly,give yourself the gift of not disliking any person or situation intensely as it involves a lot of energy and can be emotionally draining.Its better to be indifferent or neutral leaving a window open for reconciliation in the future.It's better to focus your energies and attention on things and people that are working for you in a positive way rather than on ones that aren't.