
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Why do we fear exposing our vulnerabilities?

To acknowledge your insecurities, weaknesses, fears, inadequacies, doubts and negativities in front of others is unimaginable. We are conditioned to believe that exposing a chink in the armour of perfection and success that we build around ourselves would lead to its crumbling like the fall of the Roman Empire. We have learnt to build a protective wall of "been there and done that"  plus" know it all" attitude epitomising confidence to save ourselves from ridicule and rejection. Even as I write and share my thoughts on various things that come to my mind there are well meaning queries about how life is faring for me.We are not at all used to sharing or being transparent about anything remotely personal concerning our lives apart from the superficial stuff. Anyone doing so is a cause for concern. To strip yourself naked of pretensions and have the courage and honesty to share deeper intimate thoughts and opinions helps us to connect with others in a more authentic way. An atmosphere of trust and kinship is created by being vulnerable.Yes, the fear that some people might take advantage of our vulnerabilites is there but why should we be anything less than our true self for the fear of others.Why should we deny ourselves of finding true friends just because of our fears?