
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How do we deal with being emotionally hurt?

So many times we feel hurt, slighted, neglected or ignored by friends, family members or acquaintances and carry that in our hearts and minds. It is easy to deal with hurt when strangers are involved --- we can retaliate and know we don't have to have them in our lives. But what does one do when it is someone you cannot delete from your life on a permanent basis? We have to learn how to handle these relationships by applying a multi pronged strategy as there is no single, sure short way of having a successful  interaction with people who hurt us. One obvious way is to limit our interaction to polite social chit chat and stick to neutral topics ranging from the weather to movies so that personal opinions and beliefs are avoided. Another way would be to focus on what we can learn from the other person's strong points.We don't need to gush with compliments but can use this relationship as an opportunity to observe someone who is different from us and imbibe traits which can help us. This takes your attention away from the hurt, the emotional upheavles, the negatives of the other person and makes our self improvement as the focal point. It is not supposed to land us in a competitive situation but intended to change focus to learning, growing  and maturing spiritually from every relationship. Third way would be to not shut ourself in a cocoon but seek to share our experience with people we trust. The idea is not to seek advice but a sympathetic ear and shoulder. Just as happiness doubles when shared, sorrow halves when shared. Lastly, we must do our utmost to not becoming the other person by doing the same thing as then nothing differentiates or makes us better than him or her.We urgently need to protect your core goodness  by resisting the urge to indulge in the same retaliatory behaviour. This is the spiritual test that we have been up for and have to pass . We win when we envelope ourselves in warm, positive and caring energy which attracts the same energy from other people.