Heart is the place where all the burning motivations of our lives take birth. Capture the heart of a person and you have won him over for life. If the heart is convinced of an objective then everything just falls into place and the mind plans and strategizes to achieve the goal. The important thing to understand, is that, it is the heart which is the source of our motivations and the most basic thing that every heart wants is peace and happiness. But most of the time we forget this and live in a virtual world of our mind which is obsessed by trying to flaunt the most attractive image of ourselves to the world. It is constantly analyzing of what the outside world thinks of us and prodding us to compete so that we emerge as the winners. This struggle between the heart and the mind is the source of all negative emotions of worries, inadequacies, anger, jealousy and unrestrained desires. So every time we face anxiety and anger, we need to stop and ask what is it that my heart really wants and not my ego dominated mind. Follow your heart and everything will just fall into place.