
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What is the nature of human beings?

We are a confused lot.Most of us tend to identify our selfworth with the job or the work we do for a living.It is a crucial part of our identity but not the complete identity.It is the part most visible to the world outside and all the fanfare that goes along with it makes us feel good and important but it is only the tip of the iceberg. Like 90% of the iceberg is hidden underwater, the major part of our identity is hidden in the close relationships of our lives and in the spiritual nature of our being. Somehow, as we grow older we keep focusing on the visible tip while giving stepmotherly treatment to the invisible part of our nature and identity.The part which is embedded in different relationships drifts along on automatic pilot,instead of us taking a conscious decision to examine its health and nurture it.The deepest and the most significant part, that of a spiritual entity, is either blatantly ignored or lost in following mindless religious practices and dogmas.We do everything to nourish the body, mind and heart by following a healthy lifestyle, expanding our knowledge and skills base and building an efficient network of relationships but what do we do to nourish the spirit? We can have the best job,financial abundance and a broad fabric of relationships but the absence of basic principles and ethics which feed the soul will leave us like a ship without an anchor.