Intellectualism mainly involves a reasoning and questioning mental attitude. Intellectuals want to probe and ask all the scientific process questions of how, what, where and why.They automatically seek freedom to pursue different thoughts, beliefs, practices and assumptions.So they are liberal (I am not referring to political liberalism) in the sense that they adhere to the tenets of freedom or liberty.Now atheism is non-belief in the concept of a single omnipotent and omnipresent
single entity called God as the creator of this universe.This is probably due to a scientific mind seeking evidence and proof for the same.And since that doesn't seem to be coming, they don't want to go along with centuries old religious beliefs and practices propounding the God concept. Intellectuals want free thinking and experimentation to determine their own beliefs.Seems fine to me.Belief or non-belief doesn't matter as long as you follow the right moral ethics of humanity.
However, as a believer it is always comforting to know that you are not alone and someone is looking out for you, plus, its a sobering thought for those tempted to go down the wrong path that divine, final justice is there.