Friday, July 30, 2010
Ever feel foolish about certain decisions?
Sometimes we take certain decisions that later prod us as being foolish and impractical, and wreck our peace with doubts, sadness and regret. I recently bought a beautiful painting which I had requested my cousin to paint for me.Since I wanted a large sized one she told me that four sheets of handmade paper would need to be joined and the joint would be there.Somehow hoping that the joints would get camafloged I told her to proceed with the work. However, after getting it home I regretted my decision and kept looking at the joints. I felt foolish and unhappy with myself. Then I decided to change the way I look at the painting and get honest with myself. As i looked at it I realized hat it was a beautiful piece with amazing colour combination which lit up the lobby. The joints were there but not so visible from a distance and in no way diminish the beauty of the work. If I distanced myself from the need to have a perfection so that others could admire it then I was at peace.Yes, I probably could have opted for smaller size at hindsight but life is about making choices and learning to live with them happily. So, I choose to live with a large painting with certain imperfections but otherwise perfect because it is colorful and happy in totality.Its the whole that counts not the parts.