
Monday, March 22, 2010

What is reality?

Reality is what we see,experience and feel.Is your reality the same as mine?Is the reality of a gazzele grazing in open African grassland the same as that of a lioness crouching in the tall grass waiting to pounce on her? Is the reality faced by a tiger in the zoo the same as that of one in the widerness?Has the reality faced by the Homo Sapien species been the same over the centuries? There doesn't seem to be an abolute, constant reality for everyone.Reality is influenced by our early conditioning of childhood and youth which impacts our attitude, behaviour and ethics which we carry into adulthood.We in turn then have our own perceptions of the world, create our own experiences and the reality as we face it.To have a broader, indepth and varied perception of reality we need to break free of preconcieved perceptions, attitudes and behaviour.In simpler terms we need to keep challenging ourselves with a different vision of how things can happen.Creativity and innovation is the answer.From a spiritual point of view if we can put ourselves in the shoes of others, that is,be able to empathise with anothers circumstances,that is also a way of glimpsing a different reality.Maybe, God gives each of us different life experiences so that we can learn to empathise understand that there is no one reality.

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